Real Estate Appraisal Services
The Aspen Appraisal Group provides a wide selection of real estate valuation and counseling services for properties located exclusively in the Upper Roaring Fork Valley.
We understand the vagaries of resort valuation
Our areas of expertise include:
Single-family houses
Residential townhomes and condominiums
Affordable housing
Vacant land including building sites and large residential developments
Mining claims
Transferable development rights (TDRs)
Retail and office development
Commercial property including retail, office and mixed-use developments
Light industrial property
Our lengthy history focusing specifically on Roaring Fork Valley properties gives us a unique perspective and understanding of historical trends unrivaled by other firms.
Our typical assignments include valuation for financing and institutional lending, planning, estate purposes, portfolio valuation, condemnation, divorce, tax arbitration, and a variety of litigation. We have been qualified as expert witnesses in a variety of jurisdictions.
A small sampling our clients includes:
The City of Aspen
Town of Snowmass Village
Pitkin County
Alpine Bank
Wells Fargo Bank
First Republic Bank
JP Morgan Chase Bank
ANB Bank
Aspen Valley Land Trust
US Bank
Bank of America
First Bank